April 22, 2024

Recap: 2nd Annual Go Green Clean-Up

By Brianne Lindstrom

There’s no better time than Earth Day to share the highlights from our fantastic 2nd Annual Go Green Clean Up! What an incredible turnout we had. It was heartwarming to see so many passionate individuals from all corners of the county come together for a common cause. This year, we had not one, but two team leaders steering the ship – Lindsay Wood from The Trash Coalition and yours truly, Bri! Bright and early on Saturday at 10 AM sharp, we gathered at Foundry Park, geared up, and set out on our mission. Our sights were set on the northwest quadrant of York City, specifically around Farquhar Park and Williams Park. Armed with garbage bags and green bags, we hit the streets ready to collect as much litter as possible!

Between our two teams, we managed to scoop up 154 pounds of trash and 57 pounds of plastic. That's 211 pounds of waste that's no longer cluttering up our beautiful city streets! And what's even more gratifying is what we did with all that plastic waste. Thanks to our partnership with CRDC, it's off to be upcycled into RESIN8, which will literally be mixed into the concrete that we will be using in our upcoming housing projects. Yes, you read that right – we’re using our very own plastic waste to help solve the housing shortage in York. Now, that's what I call a full-circle moment!

And to top off an already fabulous day, we had the opportunity to kick back, recharge, and connect with all the like-minded volunteers who share our passion for sustainability at Granfalloons. From swapping stories to sharing laughs, it was truly a joy to spend time with such an amazing group of people.

To all our amazing volunteers, from the bottom of our green hearts, THANK YOU. Thank you for your dedication, your enthusiasm, and your commitment to making our community a better place.

One last thing - to keep the green dream alive and momentum building, we are planning another clean-up for the Autumn! Who’s with us?!

Happy Earth Day!